Sunday, September 15, 2013

Nevermind the Darkness Show Recap

In early September, Dallas-local hard Rock act Nevermind the Darkness played the head-liner spot at the Boiler Room in Deep Ellum. Not personally being one for the harder Rock shows, I ventured into unknown territory hoping I'd like what I found.

I had never been to the Boiler Room, and I was surprised at two things; how small the venue actually was, and the quality of their house lighting and sound systems. All of their systems were excellent, the lights especially working hard to create a great show. Now, the nature of the acts that play at this venue tends to be loud, and this night was no different. It was indeed loud, but it was suiting.

I got a chance to chat with this petite lady at the merch table, that just so happened to be Trica Weaver lead singer of the band I was there to see. She was very sweet, and fun, cracking jokes and having a good time. When it was time for NtD to take the stage, that fun-loving girl's demeanour changed; it was time to rock!

Made up of 4 members reigning from Dallas, and formed in 2010, Nevermind The Darkness is comprised of vocalist/keys Trica Weaver, guitarist Gene Grinolds, bassist Benjamin Bachman and Eric Sipe on drums. Drawing on a sound of hard, heavy Rock, with vocals resembling that of Heart, NtD has created a loyal following in the DFW area. On several songs, members of the audience even joined in on the vocals as if they were hardcore fans that knew the music.

Upon speaking with he band, I found that these 4 individuals did not know each other before starting this musical endeavour three years ago. Their band is a product of one of the Bandmate finder sites. Needless to say, they had a distinct sound, and have a strong fan-base here in their hometown of Dallas. If you are interested in finding out about this band check out their facebook page and their reverbnation page.


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